Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Walking (Pics) Tour of Kongsberg :)

Hi everyone,

I've now been in Kongsberg almost 2 weeks :)  I decided to give you a tour of Kongsberg :)  Watch out there are a lot pics (153 if you want to be exact, but who's counting right lol, unless I didn't load them all, lol)

Flip-flops, hmmm is this correct footwear for this tour...

Big debate whether to wear tennis shoes or flip-flops.  Flip-flops won due to weather being fabulous, balmy 70 F / 21C, with lots of sunshine :)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Patches & Pirata 06/03/96 - 08/05/10

Patches left & Pirata right

It is with a heavy heart that I'm writing this blog today.  My sister had the hard job of letting my 2 sweet girls go to the rainbow bridge earlier today.  Both my girls have been going downhill the last couple of weeks.  They were eating less and less and drinking more.  And what little they did eat was being thrown up.  They were also very depressed after I had to leave 3 months ago.  My poor little girls were just getting so tired.  I wished with my whole heart that I would have been able to be there with my girls.