Monday, September 29, 2008


I'm so excited. Yesterday (9/28) at 3:15pm the power came back on!!! 16 days without power!!! The whole complex cheered when it came back on. So nice to have a/c, lights, tv, warm shower lol. And I was able to drain the turtle tank and fill it up with clean water. Now if my fridge would cool that would with wonderful lol.

All the babies faired pretty well overall. I'm happy to say that Tobie (tortoise) seem more outgoing than he did before this which is pretty cool. I thought he might end up shyer.

Anyway had to share. Hope everyone has a great day!!!


Dru said...

That is great news!

Rottie_mom said...

Thanks Im still so excited lol

Brandy said...

I hope they've fixed your gridge by now!

Melissa McClone said...

Sorry I am so late saying I'm glad things are back on! I also wanted to tell you, that yes, my doggie is a Norwegian Elkhound. Good eye!

My hands have kept me from commenting a lot lately!

Evn said...

Tag! You're it!