Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

Patachou modeling his awesome bomberjacket (Jan 2007)

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to wish you a wonderful Halloween :)  Halloween has sorta come to Norway but it isn't the same as back in the USA :)  Somehow the pics I had taken of Patachou dressed as a skunk are missing.  But thought these might make a good substitute.

Patachou wearing the t-shirt he received after going thru raditation for cancer.  He loved that ts-shirt lol (2007)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The House, The Fields, The Puppy Power :)

Spiffy new rubber boots :)

Hi everyone :)

I had planned to blog yesterday after work but as you know what they say about the best laid plans lol.  Anyway, we finally got internet out at the farm :)  So very excited about this.  I'm actually working on this on my personal laptop after work lol.  WARNING: there are a lot of pics in the blog post :)

She really likes to carry something when she goes for walks.  Reminds me of Patachou :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Puppy weekend fun!!

Venus 15 weeks old

Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

Here we had both rain and sunshine which was a nice change lol.  Started Saturday with marathon shopping at Bauhaus (like Home Depot and Lowe's) and Ikea :)  A few thousand Norwegian Krones (several hundred dollars) later we brought our haul home lol.  I'm sooo happy to have a big car.  Was able to fit everything in even had place for more lol.

I really need to grow into these ears lol

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm back :) I moved and other news :)

Hi everyone :)

Soooo sorry for the long absence from the blogger world.  I've been very very bad about not only writing a blog post but reading others *hangs head in shame*.

But I hope to change this.  I need better internet at home otherwise I have to bring my laptop to work and it do it after working hours.

Anyway :) I moved into a house with 2 friends, Melanie who is originally from Germany, and Riku who is originally from Finland.  The house is in Skollenborg about 15 min from Kongsberg where I work.  It is on a farm (no farm animals darn lol).  Nice and quiet out in the country.  Lots of farm land around with a population of around 300 or soo lol.  Kongsberg is huge compared to Skollenborg lol.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Been sooo MIA but have good excuse.... promise :)

Hi everyone ... anyone out there lol

I've totally be MIA and feel terrible about it.  My old laptop has gotten so bad that it takes forever for it to do anything (I'm on a borrowed netbook right now). It is about 10 yrs old and very very cranky lol. 

I'm heading to Houston, TX, USA in 16 days to visit my family and friends for 2 weeks.  Going to be a good but extremely busy visit.

And...... I'm getting a new and beautiful laptop.... wooooo to the hoooooo lol.  My bro ordered it for me and I'll have a wonderful HP with all the bells and whistles to play with.  I can't wait!!!

Soooo I promise to be back on and posting again on a regular basis. I miss doing that.

Take care everyone!!!

Anne-Kathrine :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Happy Easter, New Additions, Knutehytta

Hi Everyone :)

Wow been a while since I blogged. Not for lack of things happening but not enough time :)

Happy Easter :) Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

I've been having puppy fever for a while now. But the timing isn't right for me to have a puppy.  Between work, working out and taking buses I'm away from the apt 12 hrs at the time.  But I do need something to love.  Soooo I went to the petstore and came back with this:

It is a small tank only 5 gallons / 19 liters :)  I have 2 goldfish and 2 mini plecos (can't remember correct name for them lol)